Saturday, September 18, 2010

Recent Post, Guest Blog

Please check out my most recent post, Notes from a Young American in Congo: Caffeine! for Nicholas D. Kristof of the New York Times.


  1. I want to read your website but the white text on the black background is hard to focus and read, for even the length of one post.

  2. It’s hard to build a foundation, when the ground is constantly shifting under your feet.

    What a wonderful sentence. Keep up the good work.

  3. change the contrast on your computer...

    she is dealing with bigger and better things than blog color and text.

    really. get a clue...

  4. "..Victims of war come in all forms.." Yes even the perpetrator is a victim and when we understand that maybe we can get to the root of the problem and find a solution.

    Compassion is a powerful powerful word.

  5. Two of my friends lived for 16 years in Kinshasa and two more of them were missionaries in Equateur, serving a total of 75 years. Your blog posts are devastating. I know how great Congo could be and how it was despoiled. I am so glad you're there.
