Sunday, December 18, 2011

The U.S.A.

Dear Readers,
          Thank you so much for following my posts and the ever-changing situation in the D.R.C. I'm currently in the United States for the holidays and will be remaining here for at least a few months.  I hope to be back in Congo in February for a few weeks and again for a longer trip later in the year.
          I was approached by a publishing agent about writing a book, so I will be working on that while in the United States.  I will also continue raising awareness and funding through speaking events.  If you or an organization/University/group that you know is interested in the conflicts in Congo and would be interested in having me as a speaker, please e-mail me at
          Again, thank you for all of your support and please keep your eyes open for my possible book. I will be continuing the blog each time I return to Congo so if you follow The King Effect or are subscribed and you are still interested in COPERMA, Congo, Dusan, Mayi-Mayi, etc., don't erase the blog yet!
                                               Happy Holidays,
                                                          Amy Ernst


  1. Thanks for your articles. Will be standing by and waiting for your comeback with more details about the Congo. Thanks Amy!

  2. Yay!! I'm so happy for you! You are a stunning writer even apart from your strength and bravery in what you are writing about. I'm
    thrilled to hear you will be writing a book. You deserve it. Thank you immeasurably for all you have shared through your writing. Merry Christmas.

  3. Congrats on the book- good luck with it! If you are speaking at public events--- at a university, etc--- please post to your blog so those of us in the area can attend, it would be great to hear your thoughts and stories in person. Happy holidays!

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